Punching out
To you from failing hands we throw the torch ...
Yah, that's a bit much unless you happen to be wearing a Montreal Canadiens sweater. Just a note to let anyone who stops in here know that I'm moving on to another assignment. I'm the online editor for The Macomb Daily as of now, which means a day shift ... and that means more family time ... and that means I'm happy.
Chuck Pleiness, who has been on the Red Wings beat with me since I started, is taking over this blog and that's a trade for the betterment of RedWingsCorner.
And thank you to everyone who participated in this blog and over on Twitter. I had the time of my life with this, thanks to you.
Bruce MacLeod
Yah, that's a bit much unless you happen to be wearing a Montreal Canadiens sweater. Just a note to let anyone who stops in here know that I'm moving on to another assignment. I'm the online editor for The Macomb Daily as of now, which means a day shift ... and that means more family time ... and that means I'm happy.
Chuck Pleiness, who has been on the Red Wings beat with me since I started, is taking over this blog and that's a trade for the betterment of RedWingsCorner.
And thank you to everyone who participated in this blog and over on Twitter. I had the time of my life with this, thanks to you.
Bruce MacLeod